STEM activities in mathematics textbooks for 1st and 2nd year of secondary education in Chile
Textbooks, Activities, STEM education, Secondary EducationAbstract
This research aims to analyze the STEM activities proposed in mathematics textbooks for the 1st and 2nd year of Secondary Education. To do this, a qualitative investigation is carried out, using the content analysis technique. A total of 4 Secondary Education textbooks were analyzed, two published by the Ministry of Education and two by a private publisher. The textbook activities were analyzed according to learning axis, STEM discipline, integrated curriculum approach, role of images and skills promoted. A total of 63 STEM activities were analyzed, 45 belonging to public texts and 18 to private texts. Was observed a predominance of the number axis; the science discipline; the connected curricular approach; the contextual role of images; and the skills of processing and analyzing evidence (science), creating (technology), optimizing resources (engineering) and arguing and communicating (mathematics). The need to increase STEM activities in both textbooks is concluded, achieving a balance between the categories.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Paula Aguirre-Navarrete, Paloma González-Zúñiga, Fernanda Rojas-Jaque , Danilo Díaz-Levicoy, Rodolfo Morales

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