
Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 20 (2024): Areté (julio - diciembre)
					View Vol. 10 No. 20 (2024): Areté (julio - diciembre)
Published: 2024-05-12

Artículos de Investigación

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Arete, Digital Journal of the Doctorate in Education at the Central University of Venezuela, does not charge fees for submission, nor for the publication of their papers. However, it may request collaboration from the authors of approved articles to cover the costs of marking or other processes related to the publication. 

ISSN: 2443 – 4566

Depósito Legal: ppi201502DC4615.

The reception of research articles is open all year round.

Rejection rate:

2018: 18%.

2019: 21%.

2020: 32%.

2021: 37%.

2022: 43%

2023: 52%

2024: 65%