Linking University - Productive Sectors

35 Items

Thematic Coverage – Linking University - Productive Sectors

It is conceived as a scenario in which universities, through several strategies, programs, projects, partnerships and/or licenses, establish links materialized in public innovation and research and development policies with the productive sector, thereby seeking to strengthen research productivity and consequently the technological development of companies. 

Objectives of the thematic coverage: 

- To form competitive research and technological development teams between universities and the productive sector.

- To define policies to link universities and the productive sector.

- To assist in the organization of business incubators and stimulate the creation of technological parks in a strategic partnership between universities and business associations.

- To stimulate business-academia cooperation

Thematic sub-coverages

- Business Incubators, Technological Parks

- Talent Training

- Project Formulation and Programming

- Continuous and Disruptive Improvement

- Public Research, Innovation, and Development Policies

- Technological Strategies in Businesses: Partnerships, Licensing, Agreements, Intellectual Property

- Philosophy of Science: History of Science, Epistemology, Logic, Values, Ethics

- Linking academia-society

- Risk Analysis

- Environment

- Nanotechnology

- Transdisciplinarity and Complex Systems

- Agriculture, Fishing, and Aquaculture Sector


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