Self-care, sustainable behaviors, and human well-being in students of the health sciences division
self-care, sustainable behaviours, human well-being, health of sciencesAbstract
Introduction. Self-care practices and sustainable behaviors have gained importance in Health Sciences students, because of the influence it has on their well-being. The objective of the present study was to analyze the relationship between Sustainable Behaviors (Self-care, Equity, Altruism, Frugality and Pro-ecological Behavior) and Human Well-being (Subjective and Psychological) in students of the Health Sciencies Division of the Autonomous University of Quintana Roo. Method. From a quantitative, non-experi-mental, cross sectional and correlational study, 230 students were randomly surveyed, 167 women (72.6%) and 63 men (27.39%) with a mean age of 20.06 (SD=2.15). Results. The structural equation model showed that self-care behaviors are part of sustainable behaviors in addition to the behaviors of caring for others (equity, altruism) and care for the environment (frugality and pro-ecological behavior) and these are positively and significantly related to subjective and psychological well-being. Conclusion. It is concluded that to the extent that students carry out self-care behaviors, they are more likely to take care of others (pro-sociality) and protect and preserve the environment (pro-ecological), which simultaneously increases their subjective and psychological well-being.
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