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AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica
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Vol. 41 No. 1 (2022): AVFT Venezuelan Archives of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Vol. 41 No. 1 (2022): AVFT Venezuelan Archives of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Factors determining cognitive research abilities in college students during the covid-19 pandemic
Doris Fuster Guillén, Yolvi Ocaña Fernández, Roger Pedro Norabuena Figueroa, John Morillo Flores
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Consumption of psychoactive substances in the Peruvian population during the COVID-19 pandemic
Miguel Vallejos Flores, Miguel A. Saavedra López , Ronald M. Hernández, Xiomara M. Calle Ramírez, Julio Cjuno, Walter Capa Luque
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Ruminating on anxiety in college students in times of pandemic
Jessica Paola Palacios Garay, Violeta Cadenillas Albornoz, Jaime César Mayorga Rojas, Yrene Cecilia Uribe Hernández
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Anger and anxiety in athletes aged 18 to 39 years in Metropolitan Lima and Callao during the covid 19 pandemic
Javier Vivar Bravo, Yoselin Dayana Fernández Pérez, Óscar Raúl Esquivel Ynjante, Edgar Froilán Damián Núñez , Yolvi Ocaña Fernández
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Burnout syndrome in teachers of the faculty of medical sciences UNIANDES
Mena Silva, Paola Andrea, Paucarima Mejía, Dayana Mishel, Vaca Altamirano Gabriela Liseth
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Smart biomaterials used in dentistry
Armijos Briones, Marcelo, Vaca Altamirano, Gabriela, Moreano Moreano, Richard , Torres Nieto, Nathaly
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Depression in Ibero-America in the COVID-19 context: An analysis of scientific production in Scopus
Miguel A. Saavedra López, Ronald M. Hernández, Beatriz I. Ortega Pauta, Marilú Barreto, Xiomara M. Calle Ramírez, Luis A. Vicuña Peri
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Emotional intelligence and its influence on the institutional climate in regular basic education teachers in times of covid-19
Isabel Menacho Vargas, Dennis Fernando Jaramillo Ostos, Rafael Diego Pérez Collantes, July Rivera Zamudio
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Relationship of managerial leadership and emotional competencies in times of covid-19
Aracelli del Carmen Gonzales-Sánchez. , Ruth Giovanna Ruesta Quiroz, Mónica Jovita Aranda Pazos, Guillermo Evaristo Medina Sanjinéz, Jovian Valentín Sanjinéz Salazar
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Communicative approach as a didactic strategy to improve English oral expression in times of pandemic
Jhonny Richard Rodríguez Barboza, Geraldine Amelia Ávila Sánchez, Segundo Sigifredo Pérez Saavedra, Claudia Noemi Rivera Rojas, Jessica Acevedo Flores
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Covid-19 epidemiology in pediatric patients from Ecuador
Olivo Torres, Rosita Elizabeth del Carmen, García Santamaría, Marlon Andrés, Arias Córdova, Viviana Angélica, Viteri Rodríguez, Juan Alberto
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