Anger and anxiety in athletes aged 18 to 39 years in Metropolitan Lima and Callao during the covid 19 pandemic


  • Javier Vivar Bravo
  • Yoselin Dayana Fernández Pérez
  • Óscar Raúl Esquivel Ynjante
  • Edgar Froilán Damián Núñez
  • Yolvi Ocaña Fernández


Anger, anxiety, athletes


Objetive: The study aimed to determine the relationship between anger and anxiety in athletes aged 18 to 39 years from Metropolitan Lima and Callao in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Materials and methods: The type of research was basic and the cross-sectional non-experimental design under a quantitative and descriptive-correlational level approach. The instruments used were the anger scale (STAXI-2) and the state-trait anxiety questionnaire (STAI). The sample was made up of 200 athletes between the ages of 18 and 39 from Metropolitan Lima and Callao.

Results: The results show that the correlation between the anger and ansiety variables was signiticant, of an indirect type and weak magnitude (rho = -. 274 **), very high level of anger in athletes and average level of anxiety in athletes.

Conclusion: It os concluded that there is an influence of anger levels on anxiety levels in anegative way, wich the same result for state anxiety.


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How to Cite

Javier Vivar Bravo, Yoselin Dayana Fernández Pérez, Óscar Raúl Esquivel Ynjante, Edgar Froilán Damián Núñez, & Yolvi Ocaña Fernández. (2023). Anger and anxiety in athletes aged 18 to 39 years in Metropolitan Lima and Callao during the covid 19 pandemic. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(1). Retrieved from