Burnout syndrome in teachers of the faculty of medical sciences UNIANDES
Burnout; Teachers; Work Stress, JobAbstract
Introduction: Burnout Syndrome (BS) is a psychosocial problem that occurs when there is emotional exhaustion due to exposure to constant stressful situations. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the frequency of Burnout Syndrome and its relationship with sociodemographic factors in teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes "UNIANDES". Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 86 intentionally selected teachers through a web survey, sociodemographic data and the Maslach Burnout Inventory were obtained to determine the presence of BS. Results: 54.7% (n=47) were women, the overall age was 44.8±4.0 years. 94.2% of the teachers evaluated showed a tendency to develop BS, while 5.8% had already developed the syndrome. The main factors associated with the presence of BS were sex (female: 8.5% vs. male: 2.6%; P=0.03), having problems with colleagues or superiors (no: 2.8% vs. yes: 20%; P=0.01) and job search to change the current one (no: 3.8% vs yes: 28.6%; P<0.01). Conclusions: Of the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes "UNIANDES" only 5.8% presented BS and 92.4% showed a tendency to develop it. Therefore, it is essential to provide frequent psychological monitoring to all teaching staff, in relation to their psychic and emotional satisfaction in the workplace.
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