Emotional intelligence and its influence on the institutional climate in regular basic education teachers in times of covid-19


  • Isabel Menacho Vargas
  • Dennis Fernando Jaramillo Ostos
  • Rafael Diego Pérez Collantes
  • July Rivera Zamudio


socio-emotional skills, stress and anxiety


Introduction: The study places in the limelight the effects of social isolation decreed by the Peruvian government because of the sanitary emergency due to the presence of Covid-19, on the socioemotional aspects of emotional intelligence and how these influence intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships that constitute fundamental basis of the institutional climate in teachers of educational institutions in the district of Comas. Methodology: quantitative approach study, basic type, explanatory-causal level, non-experimental-transectional design, hypothetical-deductive method. Census study, made up of 139 teachers of regular basic education. The instruments for data collection were: for emotional intelligence, the BarOn Emotional Coefficient Inventory (I-CE), adapted to the Peruvian context, and for the institutional climate variable, the Work Climate Scale (CL-SP) questionnaire. Results: Ordinal logistic regression was applied for the results, due to the nature of the variables whose measurement was through the ordinal scale. Considering four assumptions, the model fit test, model goodness-of-fit test, parameter estimates and the Pseudo R-squared test. Conclusions: they indicate that the variability of the institutional climate depends on emotional intelligence, as well as on its theoretical components, self-knowledge, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social ability.


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How to Cite

Isabel Menacho Vargas, Dennis Fernando Jaramillo Ostos, Rafael Diego Pérez Collantes, & July Rivera Zamudio. (2023). Emotional intelligence and its influence on the institutional climate in regular basic education teachers in times of covid-19 . AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(1). Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_aavft/article/view/26040