E-learning in higher education in Venezuela and the effect of the pandemic
e-learning, attitude, teacher, pandemic, higher educationAbstract
This article shows the results of an unpublished study conducted at a private university located in the city of Caracas, Venezuela, during the period 2021-2022, which aimed to identify, analyze and interpret the factors associated with acceptance or rejection by teachers regarding the use of e-learning as a modality of studies in higher education, as well as the effects caused by the pandemic. For this purpose, a quantitative research was conducted, with a level of depth of a descriptive nature and under a non-experimental design. The technique used to collect the data was a survey applied to 146 professors from this university and an interview with 8 expert professors belonging to the four Faculties that operate at this site. The results show a favorable attitude towards the use of e-learning on the part of most of the professors, and in short, the use of ICT during the pandemic produced important changes in their perception towards this modality of study in higher education.
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