Statistical literacy of high school students: an experience with the boxplot graph
Statistical education, Statistical literacy, boxplot, Construction, InterpretationAbstract
The model of Statistical Literacy (SL) proposed by Iddo Gal refers to a critical approach to interpreting and reflecting on statistical information released by the media. It points to the development of data reading skills, using knowledge elements and dispositional elements. In this article, we aim to analyze whether Statistical Literacy factors can contribute to the construction and interpretation of the boxplot in a context related to Covid-19 by middle teaching school students. Based on qualitative research, we applied an intervention and a questionnaire about the boxplot knowledge, in written and oral form. The participants were 14 first-year high school students from a school in the Brazilian semiarid of Pernambuco. The questionnaire addressed interpretation and construction of the boxplot graph based on the SL elements. Most participants had difficulties interpreting the graph, especially in relation to the distribution of the diagram. Furthermore, some demonstrated resistance in exposing their beliefs and adopting a critical stance in relation to elements of the context.
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