Design and validation of the environmental awareness scale (ECA) in elementary school children
Environmental awareness, Exploratory factor analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, Elementary schoolAbstract
The objective of the present study was to design and validate the Environmental Awareness Scale (ECA) in children of elementary school in the state of Sonora (Mexico). A total of 233 students (142 women and 91 men) with an average age of 10 years (SD=1.70) from public schools from Carbo, Guaymas, Huépac, Banámichi, Ures and Hermosillo were evaluated. The Exploratory Factor Analysis showed a unifactorial structure of scale with a high internal consistency index (α=.93) and 65.28% of the total explained variance. Furthermore, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, with the maximum likelihood method, confirmed that the one-factor model had a good of fitness for the data. All the items presented acceptable factorial weights (λ >0.70). These findings suggest that our questionnaire is valid and reliable to assess the awareness in children in respect to the environmental actions that people in their environment should carry out and can be implemented in studies with people from the Northwest of Mexico.
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