To fit & to adapt: actions to increase satisfaction during a school year with pandemic


  • Pedro A. Certad Villarroel Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Cristina Navarro Colmenares Colegio Integral El Ávila, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Juan C. Trabucco Ferro Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela


Adaptability, Covid-19, E-learning, Online education, Educational system, Virtual education, School community


COVID-19 was marked in Venezuela by three moments in which the educational modality varied. In the Venezuelan educational context, there was face-to-face attendance until March 13, asynchronous distance education from March 16 to July 23 and synchronous virtual education, from September 7 to December 18. Educational actors had to adapt to these changes. The objective of this study was to recognize the balance between the variables of organization-person fit and person-organization adaptation as keys to the maintenance of job satisfaction in administrative and teaching staff in the Venezuelan educational context. The methodology is based on the quantitative approach, in a descriptive level field design with the application of a previously validated instrument whose results were subjected to statistical analysis. The findings show a significant increase between the first and second measurement of the variable: organization-person fit and a decrease in the constructs, person-organization adaptation and employee satisfaction. It was confirmed that staff satisfaction is more related to person-organization adaptation than to organization-person fit.  Four strategies were recommended to increase that satisfaction.


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Author Biographies

Pedro A. Certad Villarroel, Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela

Postdoctorado en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación y Doctorado en Educación egresado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Licenciado en Educación con Postgrados en Gerencia de Instituciones Educativas y en Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Conocimiento - Graduado con Honores - egresado de la Universidad Metropolitana. Profesor de Química. Profesor Titular adscrito al Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación y Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela.

Cristina Navarro Colmenares, Colegio Integral El Ávila, Caracas, Venezuela

Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades egresada de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela. Master degree in Elementary Education, Universidad de Georgia, USA. Licenciada en Administración de Empresas, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela. Directora de Escuela de Educación (2009) y Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (2015) de la Universidad Monteávila, Venezuela. Subdirectora del Colegio Integral El Ávila, Caracas, Venezuela.

Juan C. Trabucco Ferro, Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela

Doctorado en Estadística con desarrollo de la línea investigación en Análisis Multivariante de Datos, egresado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Maestría en Matemáticas y Licenciado en Matemáticas, egresado de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela. Coordinador del área avanzada de Matemáticas y Profesor Titular adscrito al Departamento de Matemática en la Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Certad Villarroel, P. A. ., Navarro Colmenares, C. ., & Trabucco Ferro, J. C. . (2022). To fit & to adapt: actions to increase satisfaction during a school year with pandemic. Areté, Doctorate in Education Digital Journal, 8(16), 61–74. Retrieved from



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