Customer satisfaction in two music initiation schools for children in the face of the pandemic effect
pandemic, satisfaction, internal customer, and external customer, music schoolsAbstract
In order to know the satisfaction of the clients of the music and art schools of the city of Veracruz in Mexico during the 2020-2022 pandemic period, this aspect was measured in two private musical initiation schools belonging to the sector. The measurement was carried out through various data collection methods, both quantitative and qualitative, in order to know the opinion of the internal and external clients of the schools studied. A questionnaire with four indicators was used to measure external customer satisfaction: 1) the degree of customer satisfaction with various aspects of the service; 2) the probability that the client will recommend the school; 3) the easiness of obtaining help from the institution, and 4) the perception about inclusion. Two integrated focus groups of collaborators and professors were formed to determine the internal clients' points of view. In addition, in a complementary manner, interviews were carried out with managers, and the administrative processes were observed in situ to form a profile of the current situation of the companies. Although failures were found in how objectives and goals are communicated in the schools, the level of customer satisfaction is high (9.26 on a numerical scale of 1 to 10). Additionally, some negative and positive effects caused by the pandemic were identified, which generated a favorable opinion on the development of virtual education schemes
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