Parental Educational Level as a Social Support or Barrier in the Identification of Career Interests
social support, mothers, degree of study, orientation, vocationAbstract
Professional interests are the product of the experiences and opportunities that the young applicant experiences during his or her education, composed of individual and contextual factors. However, there is little empirical evidence of the contribution of contextual factors in the explanation of career selection, compared to those investigations that address cognitive-motivational factors. This research consisted of analyzing the relationship between contextual factors and the career interests of students in the last year of secondary school, through the parents' level of education. A total of 224 Venezuelan 5th and 6th year high school students between 14 and 19 years of age participated. The Modified Vocational Interest Questionnaire CIV-M was used. Through a logistic regression it was found that only the mother with a university level of studies had a low and positive influence on the selection of careers in the social sciences, humanities, medicine and arts. This study facilitates future comparisons in other samples and contexts and provides guidelines for the development of guidance services offered by educational institutions, to minimize possible social barriers that may arise in the interest in pursuing university studies.
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