Gamification in the development of mathematical thinking in preschool education
gamification, students, teachers, technology, mathematics, learningAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it challenges and experiences to provide continuity to educational processes. At the preschool level, the challenge was even greater due to the development of skills as the central axis and not with conceptual content itself as happens with other educational levels, which is why this article shows the results of research that aimed to promote development, of mathematical thinking through gamification in third grade preschool students. This emerging didactic proposal took the game as a starting point as an element that promotes interest and motivation to learn, and in its design a comprehensive diagnostic work was carried out that evaluated not only the students´ prior knowledge but also the necessary conditions for using the game. Devices and connectivity of parents. It was identified that children, in addition to the use of mathematics to solve every day problems, allowed the development of social skills, spatial location, regulation and cooperation among strengthened the development of mathematical thinking by using mathematics to solve everyday problems. Likewise, the development of social skills, spatial location, regulation and cooperation among their peers. Teacher training is essential in the knowledge, selection and management of video games for the application of the proposal in person, adapting to the conditions of the context.
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