The linguistic policy for the expansion and internationalization of the Brazilian graduate system in the bioceanic route
Language policy, internationalization, higher education, graduate studies, Bioceanic RouteAbstract
The article analyzes the linguistic policy linked to the institutional policy of internationalization of the Federal University of South Mato Grosso (UFMS) in Brazil. The text is derived from the Bioceânica Educativa Project, with a rationalist logic and the case study with hermeneutic qualitative analysis as method. It mainly highlights the linguistic policy category for the expansion and internationalization of Brazilian graduate studies in the Latin American Integration Route (RILA), better known as the Bioceanic Route. The analysis shows that UFMS declares its linguistic policy for several objectives, having Brazilian Portuguese as the official language for its internal processes, of mandatory use by the entire community in official written documents such as final research and degree reports. Spanish and English are declared as lingua franca of interest to mobilize its knowledge and strengthen its internationalization. This is intended to stimulate academic exchange and mobility with partner institutions, regardless of whether they belong to the Bioceanic Route. As a main conclusion we emphasize that its language policy is a socio-cultural construction, supra-institutional as well, however, at UFMS it follows the patterns of language-nation (Portuguese), apparently as a guarantee of sovereignty in the institution, even in the declared coexistence with other foreign languages. This represents a challenge to be analyzed in the context of an opening towards Spanish-speaking countries in the Bioceanic route for the expansion of graduate studies.
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