Artificial Intelligence and the teaching of English in high schools in Mexico
Pedagogy, Artificial intelligence, Teaching of English, Education 4.0, Upper secondary level educationAbstract
The development of science and technology has influenced the different activities and areas of coexistence and development in our society in several ways, from the production and generation of goods and services, social coexistence, modes of communication and transportation, commercial interactions, and even recreational and entertainment activities. This influence has also reached the educational systems of the world. In the Mexican context, within the field of teaching and learning English at the upper secondary level, pedagogical and didactic activities and processes have been shaped in several manners through the incursion of Artificial Intelligence and the development of education 4.0. The methodology implemented was documentary under the focus of five keywords, AI, English teaching, and upper secondary education, pedagogy and education 4.0. Processes such as teacher formation and in-service training, language teaching and learning, autonomy and self-management of student learning, the design and provision of didactic and digital materials, and the development of language skills in learners are some of the areas of English teaching that these technological and educational processes have most enhanced.
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