A transdisciplinary vision of andragogy in Venezuelan universities



Adult education, Interdisciplinary research, Universities


Although the University Law (1970) has been in force for more than 50 years, universities in Venezuela currently face a significant challenge: the rigidity of their study programs and excessive discipline. This has led to a low capacity to respond to social demands, which translates into the fragmentation of the dissemination of knowledge and a lack of adaptation to the changes that occur in today's society, which has a high tendency towards socialization of knowledge through connectivism, as a theory-learning scenario. In this context, educational praxis must seek collaboration, relevance, and solidarity so that existing processes and the information and knowledge society in which we live can be faced. With this premise, this investigation aims to present a transdisciplinary vision of university education in Venezuela in order to delve into those elements that offer the science of andragogy as a pillar of university education in these times. By applying a content analysis technique on five (5) intentionally selected texts, it was possible to conclude that the academic policies of Venezuelan universities must build the task of unifying the sciences, on which the approaches of the Venezuelan reality are centered, in terms of the diversity and philosophical-epistemological freedom of each discipline, supported by the maturity of adulthood of the various participants in these institutions


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Author Biographies

Juan Javier Sarell, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Dr. Juan Javier Sarell
Universidad Central de Venezuela

María Gorety Rodríguez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

María Gorety Rodríguez
Universidad Central de Venezuela


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How to Cite

Sarell, J. J., & Gorety Rodríguez, M. (2023). A transdisciplinary vision of andragogy in Venezuelan universities. Gestión I+D, 8(2), 117–135. Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_GID/article/view/26628



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