Challenges for the teachers of the Latin American and Caribbean University in times of pandemic



higher education, pandemic, teaching, technological tools


The COVID-19 pandemic caused a global crisis that disrupted the activities of many higher education institutions: some were transformed, and others were paralyzed. Despite the growing challenge of the educational community to give continuity to the teaching-learning processes in the different universities, some institutions are still looking internally to determine if they are prepared to take on this challenge. Therefore, this study intends to describe the challenges that the teachers of a Venezuelan higher education institution, such as the Latin American and Caribbean University, have had to continue with their educational processes. The study is framed within the interpretive paradigm, under the category of a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design, using the semi-structured interview technique given to seven (7) teachers of this University. Sampling was based on convenience; the key informants were selected according to the following criteria: a) that they were teachers of the aforementioned institution, and b) they were teaching or have taught in times of the pandemic. The results showed that the institution has the tools and the willingness to offer distance classes, highlighting the freedom they have for teaching, attending to self-training in the application of technological communication tools.


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Author Biographies

Juan Javier Sarell, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Dr. Juan Javier Sarell
Universidad Central de Venezuela


María Gorety Rodríguez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Dra. María Gorety Rodríguez
Universidad Central de Venezuela



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How to Cite

Sarell, J. J., & Rodríguez, M. G. (2022). Challenges for the teachers of the Latin American and Caribbean University in times of pandemic. Gestión I+D, 7(1), 40–59. Retrieved from



Original Article