Management praxis of the e-government in the venezuelan experimental universities
Management Praxis, E-government, Human Practices , Experimental UniversitiesAbstract
The article refers to the management practice of e-government of the Venezuelan Experimental Universities. An investigative development is carried out on the origins of e-government, through the main leading countries in its development. Experimental universities, which affect individual human practices, will be reviewed, this being the notion of praxis. Theoreticals are taken under their scientific approach, within the Administrative and Social Sciences. Its purpose is the nature of the managerial praxis of e-government and the logical foundation underlying the Venezuelan experimental universities. The research will move under an objectivist logic, with a complementary approach being a mixed method, the quantitative and qualitative approach will be used, generating a descriptive study to define the phenomena in the data presented, taking as a sample fourteen experts. The Delphi Method technique will be shown, based on consultations with management experts, its four phases of development will be governed with the elaboration of a questionnaire, through statistical-mathematical formulas, with the calculation of the Expert Competence Coefficient and for validation will demonstrate consistency with the Kuder Richarson Coefficient, until the results are reached, showing that this method, being a predictive system, achieves a consensus of credibility and diverse opinions, also avoids conflicts between experts due to its anonymity, this study being a demonstrative of the phases contemplated by the method. The conclusions of this investigation provided information on how the instruments, methods, technological tools and calculations to be applied are essential within the investigative construct
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