Complexity and organizational happiness



Complex thinking, Organizational Happiness


This study starts from considering complex thinking as an inspiring theoretical pillar and organizational happiness, a constantly booming theme, which reflects a moral value in itself, which elevates the spirit. For this purpose, the general objective was: to study the relationship between complexity and organizational happiness. The research design was documentary and the main documents revised were: Introduction to complex thinking by Edgar Morín (1994) and the Theory of happiness in organizations, reviewing Gonzales Díaz, Ochoa Dearco and Cardona Arbelaez (2018), Cruz Mejía, Ramírez and Sánchez (2015) y Fenández (2015), wandering through the positions presented by Seligman (2004) and Achor (2012). The levels of analysis were descriptive and analytical. The study concludes that complex thinking and organizational happiness are directly related to each other, even though, in the review, it was not observed that some authors, and others, refer to this. However, considering all of the elements of complexity and especially its intrinsic relationship with some values, as a principle, that is to say, solidarity and collaboration, we may interconnect happiness as another principle to consider. At the same time, a common goal would be organizational development and production


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Author Biography

María Victoria Velásquez, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC)

MSG. María Victoria Velásquez
Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC)


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How to Cite

Velásquez, M. V. (2022). Complexity and organizational happiness. Gestión I+D, 5(2), 215–236. Retrieved from



Review Articles