Educational coaching and self-regulation in regular basic students
The motivation in the research has as main element to delineate the link between educational coaching and self-regulation in students of basic schools in Peru. The methodological route is qualitative research, using action research. The population is made up of 60 students belonging to two different classrooms, the choice of students was made accidentally to examine the behaviors of the participants, the latter being considered as a focus group, the treatment of action research is carried out through a set of learning sessions, oriented to meditation, analysis and reflection on the ability to manage your emotions, identifying your ethical principles, your self-control, where the peculiarities, postures of the subjects of learning, being in a period of improvement in the purposes planned in their life plan, connoting at the same time autonomous learning. While teachers fulfill the function of accompanying students in the fulfillment of their goals, it accompanies the strengthening of feelings. The result of the study evidences the decision making that students assume before their own feelings, attitudes, skills, abilities, abilities in relation to academic activities at individual and collective level, identifying their strengths and weaknesses in educational setting
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