Marketing cecina in tepetlixpa, in the state of Mexico


  • Gladis Feliciano-Gregorio PROSEDER, S.C. México
  • Andrés Díaz-Morales PROSEDER, S.C. México
  • Omar Ernesto Terán Varela Centro Universitario UAEM Amecameca México


Yecapixtla, cecina, consumo de carne, proceso productivo


The production of bovine meat is paramount in the consumption of protein in Mexico but, despite having grown in recent decades, there is still an unsatisfied market. There are records of several beef business models in the country, among which the following stands out: artisanal meat (cecina). The objective of this research was to analyze the structure and operation of the production and commercialization of cecina in order to determe the economic and social impact that it generates in the municipality of Tepetlixpa, in the State of Mexico. 21 semistructured surveys were applied to businesses dedicated to selling cecina during 2015. Subsequently, the productive chain methodology was used and the interactions of the links that conform it were identified and described: raw material, transformation, marketing and sales. The supply of raw material is basically twofold: local and foreign, mainly from the United States of America; the transformation of the product takes place in more than 90% of the municipality of Yecapixtla, Morelos and, finally, the commercialization and sales of cecina is carried out in the municipality of Tepetlixpa. This activity generates a significant number of direct and indirect jobs, as well as acceptable profit margins (40%). Despite the quality of the product, the activity is in decline due to external factors. This implies that strategies should be designed to allow an increase in related activities.

Keywords: Yecapixtla, meat consumption, production process.


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How to Cite

Feliciano-Gregorio, G., Díaz-Morales, A., & Terán Varela, O. E. (2018). Marketing cecina in tepetlixpa, in the state of Mexico. Gestión I+D, 3(2), 81–92. Retrieved from

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