Rheumatoid Forefoot Reconstruction Following Minimally Invasive Surgery and Hoffmann-Clayton Procedure with Administration of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors – A 3-Year Follow-Up: A Retrospective Study
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From 80 % to 90 % of foot deformities in adults are due to rheumatoid arthritis. Despite various surgical approaches, early functional and cosmetic results have been the greatest concern among patients. Thus, optimal surgical choice in rheumatoid forefoot correction is of vital importance for better subjective and clinical results. Thus, optimal surgical choice in rheumatoid forefoot correction is of vital importance for better subjective and clinical results. Our work evaluates the results of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) and resection arthroplasty per Hoffmann-Clayton along with the administration of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) in rheumatoid-affected forefoot patients.
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