Knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and sexual practices among young university students in the city of Cucuta
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In Colombia, young people are part of the population group that is most at risk regarding their sexual health and the knowledge associated with this component, which is why we chose to describe the sexual practices and the knowledge they have regarding HIV and other STIs, consolidating an approach to undergraduate students of an HEI in northeastern Colombia from a quantitative perspective with a non-experimental design, descriptive and cross-sectional scope.
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Cómo citar
Rincón Ramón, J. M. ., Gutiérrez Suárez, C. A. ., & Cordero-Galindo, K.-D. . (2022). Knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and sexual practices among young university students in the city of Cucuta. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(3S). Recuperado a partir de

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