Terminal ileitis: If it is not Crohn, what can it be?


  • Guillermo Veitia
  • Beatriz Pernalete


Terminal ileitis, Crohn's disease, infectious ileitis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Anisakiasis, Yersinia, Salmonella, Clostridiurm difficile, tiphlitis, vasculitis, Enteropathy induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, ba


Ileitis is defined as inflammation of the terminal ileum that can be caused by multiple causes. Acute and self-limited presentation with right lower quadrant pain with or without diarrhea is usually caused by bacterial ileitis. If it is of a chronic and debilitating course complicated with obstructive symptoms, hemorrhage and extraintestinal manifestations, the diagnoses of Crohn's disease, vasculitis, intestinal tuberculosis should be considered. The ileitis associated with spondyloarthropathies or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs enterophies is usually subclinical and escapes detection unless tests are performed for the presence of symptoms. It is important to establish the diagnosis of the specific cause because the errors can delay the specific treatment. For this, it is essential to carry out a clinical history and thorough physical examination, laboratory tests and ileocolonoscopy and / or radiology, knowing the details of the differential diagnoses.


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How to Cite

Veitia, G., & Pernalete, B. (2019). Terminal ileitis: If it is not Crohn, what can it be?. Revista GEN, 72(4), 118–123. Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_gen/article/view/15970




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