Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Case report


  • Dicxander Lara
  • Alejandra Díaz
  • Alexandra Rivero
  • Marvina Romero
  • Carmen Sarmiento
  • Josefa Orfila


fatty liver in pregnancy, Swansea criteria, hypoglycemia, Hellp syndrome.


Fatty liver of pregnancy is a rare pathology in obstetrics, whose diagnosis is made based on the Swansea criteria, many times it is a diagnosis that is made by exclusion; It usually occurs between weeks 30 and 35, and the definitive cure is carried out with the expeditious interruption of pregnancy; with a recovery rate of almost 100% if timely interruption is made and a current maternal-fetal mortality rate of 10%. It is important to be attentive to the weight gain of the pregnant woman during prenatal control, epigastric pain, and clinical signs associated with hypoglycemia.


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How to Cite

Lara, D., Díaz, A., Rivero, A., Romero, M., Sarmiento, C., & Orfila, J. (2020). Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Case report. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 10(1), e275. Retrieved from

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