Theoretical premises for the management of university research in the current context of the development of science and technology in Venezuela


  • Josefa Orfila Public Health School. Central University of Venezuela


Scientific and technological development, scientific research, university, premises, autonomy, theorizing


The management of university research is a novel, different and strategic way to make it competitive and productive. The university research can be explained in the light of a body of theoretical premises that allow the understanding of the management of university research in the context of the development of science and technology in Venezuela; taking as scenarios the autonomous national universities that administer research programs. In this sense, it is usually said that each researcher usually approaches his object of study from a certain perspective depending on the objectives he pursues, and this work is not alien to this reality. Thus, this process came to consider and take into account the most important aspects that revealed simple situations of connections between events to get to define the observed from simplicity. The connections between these events have as fundamental characteristics the suppositional arguments; that attend to the concept of premise, so that it applies not only to statements but also to arguments. This article explores some of the consequences of this proposal for the theory of arguments, and thus arises the corpus of three premises generated from the web of meanings emerging from meetings with managers and researchers, as participants in the social reality of the management of university research


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Author Biography

Josefa Orfila, Public Health School. Central University of Venezuela

Dra. Gestión de Investigación y Desarrollo, Profesora Titular. Cátedra de Administración Sanitaria. Escuela de Salud Pública. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas –Venezuela. 

How to Cite

Orfila, J. (2018). Theoretical premises for the management of university research in the current context of the development of science and technology in Venezuela. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 6(2). Retrieved from

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