Nutritional status of infants attending the Totoracocha initial development center, Ecuador
malnutrition, children, obesity, overweight, nutritionAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status of infants who attend the Totoracocha Initial Development Center, Ecuador. Materials and methods: It was a descriptive and cross-sectional study in children under 5 years of age who attend the mentioned center located in Cuenca, Ecuador; during the period February to July 2015. The information was obtained through the application of a previously validated questionnaire and anthropometric measurements were taken from all participants; determining weight, height, and body mass index. Results: Of the 404 children evaluated, 53.2% (n=215) were female, 59.2% (n=239) had a normal weight and 27.5% (n=111) were at risk overweight, 2.2% (n=9) suffered from acute malnutrition, 31.2% (n=126) had chronic malnutrition. Regarding the most important habits, 98% (n=396) received more than 3 meals a day, 50.2% (n=203) consumed food rich in saturated fat at least 3 times a week, 69.6% (n=281) consumed sugary drinks 2 times a week, 56.2% (n=227) did not participate in any sports, and 33.9% (n=137) watched 3 hours or more of television. Conclusion: There is a high frequency of chronic malnutrition, as well as the risk of overweight in children under 5 years who attend the “Totorocha” Initial Development Center (located in Cuenca, Ecuador); 2 potentially reversible stages within the spectrum of childhood weight disorders which are necessary to identify and address in a timely manner in children of our locality.
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