Leadership and organizational learning: managing tensions in the quest for a competitive advantage



Leadership, Organizational Learning, Competitive Advantage, Ambidexterity, Knowledge


Dynamic and competitive environments demand new approaches to transformational leadership, with a paradoxical mentality that promotes business sustainability while synchronizing the entire organization to create knowledge dynamically and continuously achieve innovation. The latter is understood as the result of the sum of wills to learn and share knowledge at all levels of the organization, thus improving its strategic agility to adapt to the environment. Based on the above, boards of directors and presidents of companies, focused on constant innovation, play a vital role in identifying their competitive advantages. Thus, the question arises: What is the role of organizational leadership in knowledge management and the promotion of organizational learning as a source of competitive advantage? To answer the question posed, this paper presents a non-exhaustive exploratory-descriptive review of the literature to identify the relationship between organizational leadership and identify the competitive advantage. From the findings obtained, it emerges that the new profile of the transformational leader, supported by ambidextrous strategic models, seems to be the route to radical innovation, incorporating knowledge into the organizational culture through corporate routines, guaranteeing the vital source of sustainable competitive advantage for companies


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Author Biography

María Jesús Acosta Cabezas, Universidad Metropolitana

María Jesús Acosta Cabezas
Doctoranda en Gerencia de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Coordinadora de la Maestría en Administración mención Gerencia de Mercadeo en la Universidad Metropolitana


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How to Cite

Acosta Cabezas, M. J. (2025). Leadership and organizational learning: managing tensions in the quest for a competitive advantage. Gestión I+D, 10(1), 106–133. Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_GID/article/view/29565



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