Leadership Skills in the Age of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Engineering Organizations
human, interpersonal, technical skills, leadership, technologyAbstract
The purpose of this disquisition was to analyze the skills needed by a leader in the era of Artificial Intelligence and in the context of Engineering organizations. For these purposes, a descriptive research was developed with a documentary design, resorting to the technique of observation, carrying out a systematic review of scientific productions and using search engines, such as Scopus, Scielo, Google Scholar, to find documents published between 2020 and 2023, related to the categories: skills, leader, artificial intelligence, engineering companies, innovation. Fifteen (15) of those found (1,959) and selected met the criteria by presenting some of these words. A content analysis of each production was carried out, contrasting it with the postulates of authors presented in books, these, and other articles. The results evidenced the need for leaders to manifest skills in these organizations: human (self-learning, cognitive capacity, adaptability, creativity, innovation); interpersonal (empathy, social and emotional skills, teamwork, collaboration, participation); and techniques (understanding of Artificial Intelligence, management of digital resources, equipment, among others) to be able to make pertinent decisions with a strategic vision that contributes to the integration of Artificial Intelligence with the capabilities of human talent, important for the development of activities in engineering organizations
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