Bonding social capital between organizations in the ornamental and forest sectors in México
Social relations, Business context, Rural context, Cooperation, Social capitalAbstract
Social capital is essential in the social sciences and has reemerged as a key concept referring to the resources and benefits derived from complex social relationships. In business and rural contexts, it becomes crucial for survival and progress. Analyzing social capital offers valuable insights into how social relationships affect individual lives and the functioning of communities and organizations. The study focuses on forestry and ornamental production networks, identifying key actors and connections. Data was collected on support and cooperation in forestry and ornamental producer groups and on support and research structures. The analysis highlights the importance of teaching/research and support structures to generate social capital. The integration of sectors creates a core with weak bonds, benefiting both networks, and the presence of these structures acts as a catalyst for the formation of stronger social bonds, promoting innovation and joint growth. The main conclusion pointed to the fact that understanding the temporal evolution of these networks and exploring the influence of external actors is crucial to developing strategies that foster synergy and cooperation among participants
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