Strengthening the level of understanding of how the periodic table is organized, mediated by ICTs, in the students of Colegio San Miguel Arcángel



Educaplay, meaningful learning, periodic table, TIC


This study focused on evaluating the incidence of an educational strategy mediated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the significant learning process of how the periodic table is organized in seventh-grade students of Colegio San Miguel Arcángel. The research sought to determine the impact of the Educaplay platform, taking advantage of new technologies in teaching Natural Sciences and highlighting the transversal role of Chemistry in Sustainable Development. A qualitative study was carried out, implementing the Educaplay platform to design interactive activities. From planning to evaluation, techniques such as questionnaires and observations were used to analyze the impact of the educational strategy on meaningful learning. The research revealed that the use of Educaplay had a significant impact on strengthening the understanding of the periodic table. This tool motivated and captured the students' interest, generating significant learning in the topic studied. The results highlight the effectiveness of the ICT-mediated educational strategy in teaching Chemistry. The integration of interactive activities in Educaplay is presented as an effective alternative to improve learning and understanding key concepts. In conclusion, the study evidences the potential of ICTs, particularly Educaplay, as a valuable resource to promote meaningful learning in Chemistry. These findings support the importance of adopting innovative and technological approaches to improve Natural Sciences education


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Author Biographies

Luz Aleida Alzate, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo (UDI)

Luz Aleida Alzate
Magister en Educación (Universidad de Chile)
Docente Investigadora Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo (UDI)

Sandra Milena Gaitán Tapiero, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo (UDI)

Sandra Milena Gaitán Tapiero
Magister en TIC para la Educación (UDI)
Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo (UDI)


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How to Cite

Alzate, L. A., & Gaitán Tapiero, S. M. (2024). Strengthening the level of understanding of how the periodic table is organized, mediated by ICTs, in the students of Colegio San Miguel Arcángel. Gestión I+D, 9(1), 141–169. Retrieved from



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