Heritage education and the production of video documentaries: an interdisciplinary praxis of teaching the History of Guatemala
Complementarity, heritage education, heritage, history teaching, interdisciplinary praxisAbstract
This article highlights the importance and impact of heritage education. In the first instance, an analysis of its emergence is developed as part of a renewal of the teaching of History and Social Sciences, which includes overcoming traditional paradigms involved in the act of teaching and pedagogical mediation. Next, the way in which heritage education has broken into the Guatemalan context is presented with the contribution that intercultural education provides to it, promoted by the government as part of the Firm and Lasting Peace Agreements signed in 1996. Finally, the contribution to this area is exposed by developing audiovisual material whose coordination was carried out by the author of this article, the documentary, “Kaminal Juyú yesterday and today: a trip to the past to get to know our present.”
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