Resignification and innovation of labor management in the face of new worldwide scenarios
Innovation Management, Labor Management, New World ScenariosAbstract
Regarding labor management at the organizational level, there is a tendency to believe it is limited to control in the workplace, dedicating this to the operative functions of the worker. It should be noted that there are even emotional edges that impact workers in their day-to-day lives. Therefore, the progress made in the work entities is due to the need to complement the demands of the environment, establishing privileges in those areas that will be more sensitive in the process mentioned above. In these atypical times in which a situation of force majeure has changed our working day, simultaneously attending to different situations presented in new scenarios, other reasons for study arise that will allow us to understand the redefinition and innovation of labor management in the face of the new world scenarios. This study was carried out under a quantitative paradigm, with a descriptive documentary design (Sampieri, et al. 2005). Likewise, information gathering techniques, documentary observation, as well as contributions, data from the ILO’s main website, and information from other research related to the subject were applied, complementing it with the Theory of emotional intelligence (Daniel Goleman) and the Theory of public management (Luhmann 1998). Therefore, it is concluded that there are currently two factors that have been vital for the resignification and innovation of labor management in the new world scenarios, such as teleworking and emotional management, which emerge as an alternative that leads to the new expression of labor management
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