A strategic analysis of the Furrial Production Management regarding its integrated management system



Planning, Management, Strategies, Strategic Analysis


Current market conditions and constant changes in the world economy have led companies to intensify the search for new strategies that allow them to achieve success and meet the expectations of their customers, community, suppliers, and workers in general in a balanced manner. Petróleos de Venezuela does not escape from this situation; therefore, according to its planning cycle, it was necessary to promote compliance with volumetric production and integral development to know the situational scenario of the organization, making it possible with an integral vision, to define new management guidelines. The type of research is documentary, at a descriptive-explanatory level, focused on the Furrial Production Management as a part of the Executive Directorate of Production in the East, supported by bibliographic sources, descriptive reports, previous evaluations, and others to reinforce the knowledge regarding the topic. The study's main objective was to carry out a strategic analysis by applying the methodology of a matrix of Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Threats. This allowed the researchers not only to know the reality of the aforementioned department, based on its associated processes, but also to obtain as a result that its management system is mainly affected by external factors that negatively influence the fulfillment of its objectives. Additionally, through that analysis, it is concluded that the organization's management presents deficiencies in each of its organizational segments named processes, technology, and staff, for whose purposes a prompt review and update of the strategic objectives established by the organization is recommended


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Author Biography

Carlos Suárez, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC)

Msc. Carlos Suárez
Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC)


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How to Cite

Suárez, C. (2022). A strategic analysis of the Furrial Production Management regarding its integrated management system. Gestión I+D, 7(1), 148–170. Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_GID/article/view/23175



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