Demographic factors and how they are related with academic performance and students' satisfaction with the institution



Demographic Factors, Students' Performance, Students' Satisfaction, Conditions of Comfort, Education


The main objective of this research is to recognize the demographic factors of university students related to their academic performance and their satisfaction regarding the conditions of comfort available at the institution. To undertake the study, structured interviews were carried out with a sample of 336 active students from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Zulia. In this regard, it may be classified as a relational, cross-sectional, and field study. Information regarding their age, sex, seniority in the institution, origin, career, manual orientation, the maximum degree they aspire to achieve, and work conditions were requested. A questionnaire made up of 94 questions to know their level of satisfaction with the institution was also applied. After obtaining this information, the normality of the data collected was calculated to decide then the statistical treatment that would be used to correlate each of the factors with the academic performance and satisfaction of the students sampled. At the end of the research, it was determined that aspects such as age, seniority in the institution, and origin were significantly correlated with all the variables being studied. Meanwhile, other factors such as manual orientation and gender did not show any correlations.


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Author Biography

Luisana Carolina Bracho Pernalete, La Universidad del Zulia

Dra. Luisana Carolina Bracho Pernalete
La Universidad del Zulia



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How to Cite

Bracho Pernalete, L. C. (2022). Demographic factors and how they are related with academic performance and students’ satisfaction with the institution. Gestión I+D, 7(1), 60–88. Retrieved from



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