Socially responsible university entrepreneurial management for the development of environmental awareness in a vulnerable district of Lima



Vulnerable context, Environmental awareness, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial management, University social responsibility


This research aimed to apply a University Social Responsibility (RSU) project to develop environmental awareness in residents of a Lima district. The type of research was quantitative and experimental. The sample was made up of 571 primary school children from first to sixth grade from three vulnerable contexts in the Comas district, who attended six public educational institutions. 150 university students and 88 parents participated in the curricular experiences integrated into the RSU area and the Academic Program of Primary Education, for which scales and questionnaires were used as instruments to collect the data. The results allowed the researchers to conclude that a progressive change was observed during the semesters 2018 - 1 and 2018 -2. The levels of environmental awareness were different in university students after participating in the RSU project and effective in parents and schoolchildren. Finally, 48.90% of the students agreed that it is essential to work on environmental awareness in their context; 50% of them reflected and accepted that they were responsible for environmental contamination. More than half of participating university students reduced their environmental deterioration behaviors


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Author Biographies

Susana Oyague Pinedo, Universidad César Vallejo

MSc. Susana Oyague Pinedo
Universidad César Vallejo

Jhon Holguin-Alvarez, Universidad César Vallejo

MSc.Jhon Holguin-Alvarez
Universidad César Vallejo

Gloria María Villa Córdova, Universidad César Vallejo

MSc. Gloria María Villa Córdova
Universidad César Vallejo

Giovanna Manrique Álvarez, Universidad César Vallejo

MSc.Giovanna Manrique Álvarez
Universidad César Vallejo

Pool Andrade Paredes, Universidad César Vallejo

Br. Pool Andrade Paredes
Universidad César Vallejo


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How to Cite

Oyague Pinedo, S., Holguin-Alvarez, J., Villa Córdova, G. M., Manrique Álvarez, G., & Andrade Paredes, P. (2022). Socially responsible university entrepreneurial management for the development of environmental awareness in a vulnerable district of Lima. Gestión I+D, 5(3), 157–179. Retrieved from