Architecture firms and their cultures



Architecture firm , organizational culture, architectural practice, architect, project, significations


An architecture firm is a group of architects, and sometimes other professionals and technicians, which has two functions: (1) to be a socializing platform for individual practice; (2) to position professional practice before society. Like any organization, it is a culture (studied as a root metaphor) that has meanings that characterize it, and give it meaning as an organization and to the actions of its members. It is project-oriented, so it operates on two plains, the long-term organization goals, and the temporary project goals. However, it is the latter that builds their trajectory by connecting the firm with society. This study presents the results of an exploratory study on the organizational culture of an architecture firm approached from a qualitative approach, based on the meaning it has for its members; a phenomenological design, focused on the perspectives of architects (key participants) from the firm (object of study), is used as a social context. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted, whose information was analyzed by identifying segments, which were interpreted and grouped into categories that are integrated into relevant topics according to the problem posed. This brings us closer to: (1) the understanding of architecture firms as a culture, the way in which they operate and carry out their projects; (2) a survey from architecture as a social art, which builds with people and for people, with an ethical and social approach to achieve a sustainably built environment for the development of human activity


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Author Biography

Eugenia M. Villalobos-González, Universidad Central de VenezuelaFacultad de Arquitectura y UrbanismoEscuela de Arquitectura Carlos Raúl Villanueva

Dra. Eugenia M. Villalobos-González
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Escuela de Arquitectura Carlos Raúl Villanueva



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How to Cite

Villalobos-González, E. M. (2022). Architecture firms and their cultures. Gestión I+D, 5(2), 268–304. Retrieved from



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