Light pollution in the neighborhood of Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
light pollution, street advertising screens, Sky Quality Meter (SQM), lux meter, night skyAbstract
Light pollution is the excess or improper use of artificial lighting that affects the night sky, and the biological rhythms of humans and ecosystems. In recent years, this phenomenon has grown due to technological changes in street advertisements that use LCD screens (Liquid Crystal Display) or liquid crystal displays or LED (light-emitting diode) light-emitting diodes. This study is particularly important for large and intermediate cities in which artificial lighting is more widespread. In this regard, the Buenos Aires' neighborhood of Belgrano, Argentina, was used for this research in which measurements were made with a Sky Quality Meter (SQM) and a surface lux meter to classify the quality of the sky in selected corners with a high incidence of the phenomenon being studied. The data was triangulated with information collected from interviews with qualified informants, and surveys of passers-by and residents about their knowledge regarding the problem, and the degree of discomfort/affectation caused by this type of urban luminaire; in addition to expert opinions on how to solve it. As a result, at the selected points, the average sky background brightness value measured with the SQM was between 10.75 and 12.59 mag / arcsec². Considering that a sky without light pollution averages 22 mag / arcsec², it is possible to assume that the neighborhood has high levels of light pollution. From the surveys and interviews carried out, it was observed that the form of pollution that most affects the neighborhood is light intrusion
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