R&D+i management conceptions
R&D Management, Conceptions, Complex process, Cognitive processAbstract
The results of an investigation carried out to characterize the conceptions that experts have for the development of R&D management in organizations are herein reported. Descriptive in nature and using a quali-quantitative approach, the qualitative aspects focused on an ethnographic design while the quantitative ones were approached through a non-experimental, cross-sectional documentary, and field design. The techniques used to collect the data were a qualitative questionnaire, a documentary content analysis, and a closed Likert scale survey to validate the semantic categories extracted. The results show that experts consider R &D + i management to be a complex, dynamic and interactive process that entails five conceptions of R &D + I, i.e., it is a source of invention and novelty, of solving problems or needs, of change, of strategies for competitiveness, and for learning, generating and exchanging knowledge. The characterizations and conceptions were statistically valid (95,89 %), which may contribute to a greater understanding when developing R &D + i programs from a cognitive, technological, and informational framework
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