Attitudes towards research in Open National University´s master participants
Actitud, investigación, postgrado, educación a distanciaAbstract
This study is aimed to compare attitudes towards research among participants who started Master studies in Educational Administration and the Masters in Business Administration of the National Open University during the second semester of the year 2015. The work was framed in the Research and Development Management Master of the Central University of Venezuela. This study was a comparative type with a transectional design of unieventual field; the population was compound by the 75 participants of the Master in Educational Administration and the 80 participants of the Business Administration Master. A questionnaire was constructed with 48 items for data collection, structured by three affirmations blocks and addressed to its three components "cognitive", "affective" and "behavioral", each of them with their items compound by five alternatives blocks, which brought both favorable and unfavorable scores. The instrument validation was done through a panel of three expert judges who obtained a coefficient of 0.92 and for reliability, it was used the Cronbach Alpha which reached an index of 0.91. As results of the study it was shown that there are significant differences in the cognitive and affective components between the participants of both master programs, but referring to the behavioral component there are many similarities. Finally, it was established that among the participants of both master programs there is a positive disposition towards research. Keywords: Attitude, research, Master and distance education.Downloads
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