Online education as a disruptive innovation In venezuelan universities knowledge management model


  • Rafael Gerardo Páez Postgrado Gestion de Investigacion y desarrollo Universidad Central de Venezuela


Cambio de paradigma, educación online, gestión de conocimiento, innovación disruptiva, universidades venezolanas.


The factors that have led to the on-line education to be  positioned as one of the most efficient methods of knowledge dissemination, since the last decade of the twentieth century, are studied in this paper. The evolutionary advances in Information and Communication Technologies have allowed it to become in today´s highest participation and widespread growth rate distance learning modality, with the lower costs for participants. The methodology applied in this research led to this system of teaching and learning operation and background analysis, comparing their advantages and disadvantages with respect to in site knowledge management procedures traditionally applied in Venezuelan universities. In conclusion, the paper states that online platforms, taught in an open, free, massive and without any discrimination or restrictions determinates the change of paradigm that will define university. education in the immediate future; which would be characterized by the provision of semi-attendance and other fully distance courses with the use of digital media. Among the obtained results this paper positions that training programs in higher education institutions which use the Internet for knowledge dissemination are a model of  disruptive innovation that in short and medium term will prevail in the systems of Venezuela university education. This article is framed in the research line entitled: Technological Innovation as a process and sub line of research: Domain Assimilation and Technology; Postgraduate Management of Research and Development - Central  University of Venezuela, Faculty of  Economics and Social Sciences.

Key words: change of paradigm, online education, knowledge management, disruptive innovation, Venezuelan universities.


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How to Cite

Páez, R. G. (2017). Online education as a disruptive innovation In venezuelan universities knowledge management model. Gestión I+D, 1(1), 24–42. Retrieved from