Challenges and Opportunities for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in Indonesia: A Qualitative Exploration from Health Workers and Stakeholder

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Andi Asrina
Fairus Prihatin Idris
Fatmah Afrianty Gobel
Rezky Aulia Yusuf


Aim: This study aimed to analyze the challenges and opportunities for HIV/AIDS prevention and control in Bulukumba, Indonesia. Methods: This is a quasi-qualitative study that collects data through observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and focus group discussions to explore the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the Bulukumba district. Primary data were obtained from key informants, namely from the disease prevention and control field of Bulukumba district; ordinary informants are the HIV/AIDS Commission, community leaders, religious leaders, and local government. In addition, data were also obtained from supporting informants, namely field assistants, outreach workers, and representatives of the homosexual community.


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Cómo citar
Asrina, A. ., Idris, F. P. ., Gobel, F. A. ., & Yusuf, R. A. (2025). Challenges and Opportunities for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in Indonesia: A Qualitative Exploration from Health Workers and Stakeholder. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 133(1). Recuperado a partir de