Early Warning for Humans Regarding Contamination with Salmonella bacteria Originating from Duck

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Reina Puspita Rahmaniar
Freshinta Jellia Wibisono
Khoirul Muhroni Aziz
Lusitania Darmayanti Ikeng
Dandi Ernando Syaputra
Zuriya Zuriya


Introduction: Pathogenic bacteria of the genus Salmonella are one of the leading causes of foodborne disease. Salmonella sp. are pathogenic bacteria excreted through feces from the digestive tract of animals and humans. These bacteria can contaminate food of animal origin, both from animals to humans and humans to animals. This study aimed to determine the presence of Salmonella in Surabaya duck farms. Methods: The research samples were taken from 24 duck eggs and 24 cloacal swabs. The criteria for the egg samples taken were newly hatched eggs.


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Cómo citar
Rahmaniar, R. P. ., Wibisono, F. J. ., Aziz, K. M. ., Ikeng, L. . D. ., Syaputra, D. E. ., & Zuriya, Z. . (2023). Early Warning for Humans Regarding Contamination with Salmonella bacteria Originating from Duck. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 131(4S). Recuperado a partir de http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_gmc/article/view/27101