Determinant of stunting in children aged 12-24 months during the COVID-19 pandemic era in Makassar City
Contenido principal del artículo
Objective: The prevalence of stunting in Sulawesi Selatan after the pandemic has decreased. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic situation has made it difficult to conduct anthropometric measurements owing to a number of regulations enacted by the government to suppress the cases of COVID-19. The Sudiang Public Health Center is one of the biggest contributors to stunting in Makassar City with a prevalence of 11.06 %. This study aimed to assess the degree of risk of Low Body Weight (LBW), pregnancy checkups <4 times, incomplete basic vaccinations, non-exclusive breastfeeding, Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI)/ diarrhea infections, household income, and contaminated water sources on stunting during the pandemic. Methods: This study was an observational study with a control case epidemiology design.
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