Electrocardiographic index in aortic root enlargements and ventricular hypertrophy with Phi-based chest-wall thickness derived measure.

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José Ramón Lanz-Luces
Fernando Augusto Alves da Costa
Luís Fernando Escobar Guzman
Juan de Dios Amachuy Alaca


Introduction: In addition to left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), dilated aortic root (DAo) is a risk factor for cardiovascular events. There is a ack of a practical index that considers both scenarios. Objective: To assess an electrocardiographic index in DAo and LVH considering echocardiographic guidelines and those values stemming from the chest wall thickness (CT). Methodology: The population was 631 patients, 236 hypertensives (HT) and 395 non-hypertensives (NHT), the diameter of the aortic root was based on the Phi number and a derived formula CT x 1.33 = Ao, using a cut-off >15%.


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Cómo citar
Lanz-Luces, J. R. ., Alves da Costa, F. A. ., Escobar Guzman, L. F. ., & Amachuy Alaca, J. de D. . (2022). Electrocardiographic index in aortic root enlargements and ventricular hypertrophy with Phi-based chest-wall thickness derived measure. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(4). Recuperado a partir de http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_gmc/article/view/25317

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