Sustainable services for the elderly in Malang city: A qualitative study

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Cici Indah Setiowati
Yati Sri Hayati
Nurul Muslihah


Introduction: The continuity of various health services, such as hospitals and health centers, is needed to maintain the quality of care for the elderly. This study aimed to explore service providers’ role in sustainable services for the elderly. Methods: This study used a qualitative method to explore sustainable services for the elderly. The research participants totalled 16 people, namely primary and secondary informants. The researcher uses Focus Group Discussion (FGD) guidelines to become his own research instrument. The analysis in this study used Thematic Analysis.


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Cómo citar
Setiowati, C. I. ., Hayati, Y. S. ., & Muslihah, N. . (2022). Sustainable services for the elderly in Malang city: A qualitative study. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(5S). Recuperado a partir de