Perceptions of Sanitation Hygiene Refill Drinking Water Depot in The Region of Indonesia

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Endang Purnawati Rahayu Rahayu
Herniwanti Herniwanti


Refill drinking water depots are in great demand in society because the price of drinking water is relatively lower. This condition showed that the drinking water quality in depot managers needs more attention. Sanitation hygiene of drinking water refill depots is considered to reduce the factors that cause contamination of drinking water. This study aimed to analyze the sanitation of refill drinking water depots.


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Cómo citar
Rahayu, E. P. R., & Herniwanti, H. (2022). Perceptions of Sanitation Hygiene Refill Drinking Water Depot in The Region of Indonesia. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(1 S), S225-S230. Recuperado a partir de