Psychoeducation with The Small Group Discussion Approach Increases Knowledge of Parents in Caring for Children with Autism and Aggressive Behavior
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Aggressive behavior in autistic children impacts the difficulties in taking care of the children related to parents’ literacy limitations. Previous evidence showed that psychoeducation improved the ability of parents to care for autistic children. However, there is a limiting use in the small group discussion (SDG) approach. This paper investigates the impact of psychoeducation with a small group discussion (SGD) approach on parents’ knowledge in caring for children with Autism and Aggressive Behavior.
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Cómo citar
Reliani, R., Wibowo, N. A., Zuhroh, Z., Susanty, A., & Prabawati, C. Y. (2022). Psychoeducation with The Small Group Discussion Approach Increases Knowledge of Parents in Caring for Children with Autism and Aggressive Behavior. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(1 S), S113-S118. Recuperado a partir de